Trying to find the right balance is not an easy thing, especially the older you get and the more responsibilities that come. I'm trying to find the right balance in a lot of different parts of my life right now: weight loss, being a parent, and being a wife. Weight Loss: I am now starting Month 14 in my weight loss journey. I have done very well in the weight loss department, as well in losing inches. When I look at myself in the mirror at the gym as I lift weights I can really tell that my legs are looking better and smaller. Why center on my legs?? Over all that is the one place that I have lost the least amount of inches. And as I told Tyler, I will never have small slender legs....they will always be curvy and since accepting that I want to make sure they are toned and muscular. But I'm going off course of the topic. This last week to week and half I have been working on finding the right balance of exercise and calorie consumption. When I first got home from my mini v...